CLG - Valentine's Day Bouquet
Valentines Day Bouquet

Valentines Day Bouquet


The Valentines Day Bouquet is available for same-day delivery in Las Vegas, Nevada. To create a Custom Valentine’s Day Gift, call us at 702-214-1221.

Please Note We Currently Only Deliver to Las Vegas

Nationwide Shipping Coming soon!!

Local Shipping Or Curbside Pickup Available

  • Order by 12pm PST for same-day delivery
Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Valentine’s Day Gift Baskets are a great way to show your love to that special someone. Our Collection of Valentine’s Day Gift Baskets and unique Valentine’s Day Gifts include, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries, Valentine’s Day Flower Bouquet, Valentine’s Day Gift Baskets for Her, Valentine’s Day Gift Baskets for Him and so many more luxury gift basket options. The Valentines Day Bouquet is the ultimate gift for celebrating Valentine’s Day in Las Vegas! We will deliver this valentine’s day package to your hotel or residence. Please communicate with the hotel’s bell desk to arrange set up.

This Product is only available for the month of February.

SKU : 00792

Valentines Day Bouquet Features:
  • (24) Stem Bouquet – Red
  • Valentine’s Day Embellishments

Check out our other collections: Champagne Gift Baskets, Wine Gift Baskets, Gourmet Food Gift Baskets and Flowers. We are more than happy to help you create a Custom Valentine’s Day Gift Basket. Please complete the custom order form and one of our gifting experts will get back to you in 24 business hours. We offer same-day gift basket delivery to residences, businesses and hotels 7-days a week. So if you are looking for bulk order wine gifts, give one of our gifting experts a call at 702-214-1221. We were also voted Best Gift Baskets in Las Vegas and we take pride in living up to the title. So allow Champagne Life to handle your gift giving needs!

Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 12 in
Rose option

Multicolor Roses, Red Roses


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